The CNS covers procedures performed by a dietitian authorized to practice in Luxembourg, if they have been prescribed by a doctor and if the CNS insured
has one of the pathologies: D01 High blood pressure D02 Chronic renal failure with creatinine clearance <30ml / min D03 Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD: Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis) D04 Celiac disease D05 Proven food intolerance to lactose D06 Proven food intolerance to fructose D07 Cystic fibrosis D08 Severe obesity adults: BMI> 35 D09 D10 Childhood and adolescent obesity: to be determined according to the BMI distribution curves according to age and sex D11 Type I diabetes D12 Type II diabetes D13 Prediabetes (blood glucose ≥ 106 mg / dl)
Dietary treatment consists of an initial dietary treatment comprising:
• A first consultation (ZD11) with anamnesis and nutritional assessment (88.89 € * CNS rate - 60 minutes: 10.67 € remain the responsibility of the patient).
• A consultation of advice and documentation: nutritional plan (111.11 € * CNS rate 30-45 minutes: 13.33 € remain chargeable to the patient).
• 4 follow-up consultations (55.55 € * CNS rate - 30 minutes: 6.67 € remain at the patient's expense). -
An extension of the dietetic treatment is possible on medical prescription. This extension includes 4 follow-up consultations (55.55 € * CNS-30 minutes rate: 6.66 € remain at the patient's expense)
In the event of unreported absence or delay> 15min, the consultation will bebilled as a follow-up. (* 2021 rates with "initial report" to the doctor,
report after follow-ups and after follow-ups of extension if the case